Proximar’s Fuji Atlantic salmon to be sold in Taiwan

On Thursday 20 March, a press conference and media event was held in Taipei for the announcement of the first exports of the Fuji Atlantic salmon to the Taiwanese market.

Fuji Atlantic salmon from Japan was served to the participants following the press conference

The joint press conference, together with Tamsuo and Marubeni Seafoods, was attended by over 100 participants, including 20+ media companies and 3 television channels.

The Chef's preparations were followed by several film crews

Amongst the participants were representatives from the HORECA market, as well as from and retail market in Taiwan. At the end of the session, Fuji Atlantic salmon was served by sushi chefs to all participants receiving very positive feedback.

The Taiwanese market for Atlantic salmon represents approximately 16,000 tonnes HOG per year, and Atlantic salmon has become a popular part of the Taiwanese menu. Exporting to adjacent Asian countries is part of the strategy to develop demand, also taking future capacity expansion into consideration.  Although the demand remains strong in Japan, building demand from other markets is important to maintain our long-term pricing strategy.

Proximar continues to see strong interest from the Asian markets and is well positioned to supply fish to to this high-growth region. As for prices achievements, the net price to Proximar is expected to stay at least at the same levels as for the Japanese market.

Executives from Marubeni Seafoods, Tamsuo and Proximar Seafood in Taipei